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Lose Human Speed Adv / CPU Pace = Human options

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:56 am
by alkis21
Steve, I don't remember if we ever discussed this, but I noticed an interesting difference between these two options: Lose Human Speed Adv disables PBD for the human team, while CPU Pace = Human doesn't.

I wonder if this sheds some light into why PBD came into existence in the first place?

Re: Lose Human Speed Adv / CPU Pace = Human options

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:08 pm
by Steve Camber
The PBD effect is still there with Lose Human Speed Adv, it's just less obvious due to the lower running speed.

With the skill level set to Division 1 instead of International, the ball stays nicely just in front of the players foot in the PBD zone without the human speed advantage. As Dino tweaked the game to be played at Div1 level (who would use international, right?), it would make sense that the faster International running speed combined with the human speed advantage results in PBD players being able to dribble straight through the ball and overtake it.